Wednesday 23 June 2021

Dickinson's Real Deal Dealer Day 10th July

Boldon Auctions are delighted that the Dickinson's Real Deal team will be returning once more to film with us.

Firstly get the family, get the calendars and plan your day out with Dickinson's Real Deal!!

Come along to the Dealer Day in Middlesbrough with your antiques and valuables for a free valuation from their team of experts. Doors are open from 8am – 5pm, completely free admission. You might have the opportunity to appear on TV with David Dickinson and one of the resident Dealers. Will you haggle for the best price or take your chances at the auction at Boldon Auction Galleries on 28th July?!

Dealer Day 10th July - Middlesbrough Town Hall - Albert Rd, Middlesbrough - TS1 2QJ

The Team at Real Deal HQ have been working tirelessly to make sure that this isn’t just the most dazzling tour yet, but COVID safe too! Following all the latest Government guidance and regulations all our attendees can rest assured that their safety is our primary concern.Got a question about the Dealer Day? Contact Dickinson's Real Deal by email, post or phone (contact details) below. Don't forget to include your name and a daytime phone number.

Email address: dickinsonsrealdeal@rdftelevision.comPostal address: RDF Television West, Regent House, 27a Regent Street, Bristol, BS8 4HGPhone: 0117 970 7618 (Calls are charged at the standard rate + your network access charge). The phone line is manned 09:30 - 6pm, Monday - Friday. At all other times please leave a message.

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