Monday 15 June 2020

Magic Time at Boldon Auctions

Lot 33
A large quantity of Magic lantern slides, to include 109 mahogany framed mechanical Magic Lantern slides, both winding and lever operated
For Auction 24th June

Magic Lanterns (Lanterna magica) were early image projectors from the 17th century onwards using pictures on transparent plates (usually glass) and a light source. From the 19th century these Magic Lanterns were mass produced as toys.  The Magic Lantern was superseded by the slide projector.

Originally the pictures were hand painted on glass slides with black paint used as a background to block superfluous light.  Many slides were finished with a layer of transparent lacquer and mounted in wood frames.  After 1820 hand coloured printed slides were produced moving on to photographic slides in 1850.

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