Wednesday 31 July 2019

Football Focus

Three interesting items came into the Saleroom this morning; a Football Echo dated 1st May 1937, a Cup Final Tie ticket for the Final Tie between Sunderland and Preston on 1st May 1937 and a Sunderland Football Supporters red and white rosette.  


At over 82 years old these items are interesting enough to have survived due to the delicate nature of the paper and the fabric, however what is fantastic is that the Cup Final ticket is signed by every member of the Sunderland Football team who played that day except for Alexander 'Sandy' McNab who replaced injured Captain Alex Hastings (Alex Hastings however did sign this fan's ticket stub).

Eddie Burbanks
Bert Johnston
Jimmy Gorman
Johnny Mapson
Len Duns
Charlie Thomson
Patrick Gallacher
Raich Carter
Alex Hall
Bobby Gurney
Alex Hastings 

Three second half goals saw Sunderland defeat Preston North End 3 - 1 at Wembley.

To be offered for Auction on Wednesday 7th August Antique and Interiors Sale.

“Some of the rosettes are as big as dinner plates. Four rows behind us, two men are decked out in the only colours that matter. They look grand.” 
Sunderland Echo Reporter, May 1st 1937 reporting from Wembley

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